
The Harmaleighs is committed to providing accurate and reliable news, opinions, entertainment, and sports writing for the music community. However, we acknowledge that mistakes can happen in the production of content. To maintain trust and uphold our mission, we follow strict ethical guidelines and journalistic standards. Below are our policies to ensure transparency, accountability, and integrity in all our work.

Story Removal/Retraction Policy

At The Harmaleighs, articles will only be retracted or removed under specific circumstances. Our goal is to preserve the integrity of the content unless:

  1. A major factual error requires a significant revision.
  2. A source was unaware that they were being interviewed for publication.
  3. A source was misquoted or misrepresented in a way that altered their intended meaning.
  4. An individual was portrayed in a false and damaging light.
  5. The journalist violated basic ethical standards, as outlined by the Society of Professional Journalists’ code of ethics.
  6. The article involved plagiarism or the misrepresentation of another’s work as the writer’s own.

We will not remove articles based solely on an individual’s dissatisfaction with how they were portrayed or the direction of the story. Complaints will only be considered if they relate to substantive errors or misrepresentation of facts.

If someone believes they were misquoted or misrepresented, they are encouraged to contact the editors-in-chief, who will investigate and take appropriate action. If a story is retracted, we will make every effort to be transparent about the reasons for the removal.

Plagiarism and Reproductions Policy

The Harmaleighs publishes only original content unless explicitly noted. Articles that have been previously published in another outlet are ineligible for publication. This includes self-plagiarism or republishing content from other media sources. If it is discovered that an article is not original or is falsely represented as the author’s own, it will be removed from our website or print publication.

Correction Policy

We are committed to promptly correcting factual errors, such as misspelled names or incorrect identifications in photos. Once notified, we will issue a correction, following guidelines in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 2739.14. Our goal is to correct any misinformation by publishing an updated version as soon as possible.

Interview Policy

When conducting interviews, staff members must clearly identify themselves as representatives of The Harmaleighs. The interviewee must be informed that their comments are on the record and will be used for an article. Staff members are expected to take accurate notes or recordings during interviews to ensure the quotes in the final story are precise and faithful to the interviewee’s intent.

Interviews should not be recorded without the individual’s consent, and consent to an interview does not automatically mean consent to be recorded. Interviewees who provide a statement should understand that their quotes may be published. While requests for anonymity will be considered under rare circumstances (such as safety concerns), anonymity is not guaranteed. Editors-in-chief will make decisions regarding anonymity in consultation with our adviser.

Viewpoints Policy

We encourage diverse opinions and perspectives in our Viewpoints section, but we will not publish content that personally attacks individuals or disrespects the dignity of any person or group. We are committed to fact-checking all viewpoint submissions, and any factual inaccuracies will be corrected or may lead to the piece being rejected for publication.

We also reserve the right to edit for grammar and clarity, while preserving the original intent of the piece. Responses to viewpoints are welcome, but personal attacks will not be tolerated. To ensure a variety of voices, contributing writers will be limited to a maximum of three Viewpoints submissions per semester.

Election Year Policy

During election years, The Harmaleighs remains committed to protecting Freedom of Speech and Expression for all our writers. However, we will strive to balance these freedoms with respect for human dignity. While political opinions are welcome, we will not publish personal attacks or viewpoints that disrespect any group based on their identity characteristics. Our goal is to foster respectful discourse, even in times of heightened political tension.

Staff Hiring and Firing Policy

The Publications Committee selects the editors-in-chief and managing editors for The Harmaleighs. Editors-in-chief are responsible for hiring and overseeing other editorial board members and staff writers. Staff members are expected to adhere to the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Editors have the discretion to release staff members who fail to meet the ethical and professional expectations of their role.

Our hiring and firing policies are rooted in fairness and inclusivity. No decisions regarding staff members will be made on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or expressed opinions. Staff members are expected to conduct themselves with integrity in all their work for The Harmaleighs, in alignment with journalistic best practices.

Contributing Writer Policy

While contributing writers are not official staff members of The Harmaleighs, their work is highly valued. Contributing writers are expected to follow the same journalistic standards as staff writers. They represent The Harmaleighs during the duration of their reporting and are expected to uphold the ethical guidelines laid out in this document and in the Society of Professional Journalists’ code of ethics.

Contributing writers who are unfamiliar with journalistic standards are encouraged to consult with the relevant section editor before starting their work. While we appreciate their contributions, The Harmaleighs cannot be held responsible for the actions of contributing writers. Editors-in-chief reserve the right to discontinue contributions from any writer who fails to meet these expectations.

Editorial Integrity

The staff of The Harmaleighs, particularly the editors-in-chief, reserve the right to refuse publication of any writing that is gathered unethically, factually incorrect, or incomprehensible. We also reserve the right to edit all writing for grammar and clarity, ensuring the content meets our high standards of integrity and quality.